迅雷离线助手+YAAW For Chrome+Aria2
posted @ Dec 08, 2012 01:08:31 AM
in Ubuntu
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linux 迅雷 chrome chromium YAAW aria2c
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安装 aria2和chrome or chromium
打开chrome or chromium,到商店安装 迅雷离线助手 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eehlmkfpnagoieibahhcghphdbjcdmen
进入迅雷离线界面,点设置,弹出对话框,在下面修改Aria2 JSON-RPC Path
YAAW For Chrome
打开YAAW,点设置,修改Aria2 JSON-RPC Path
手动下载ThunderLixianExporter脚本: https://github.com/binux/ThunderLixianExporter
aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all --rpc-allow-origin-all --file-allocation=none --max-connection-per-server=3 --max-concurrent-downloads=3 --continue
之后你就可以使用YAAW For Chrome监控下载进度咯。
记住,迅雷离线助手和YAAW For Chrome都是通JSON-RPC和Aria2通信的。
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2022年9月17日 07:06
Department of Education and Secondary Education Board has designed the AP SSC Civics Model Paper 2023 Pdf with answers for Telugu Medium, English Medium & Urdu Medium Students of the State Board. Every year there are a huge number of teaching staff and educational portals of the state have suggested the practice question bank with revision questions for both medium students of the board. AP 10th Civics Model Paper In civics, students learn to contribute to public processes and discussions of real issues. Students can also learn civic practices such as voting, volunteering, jury service, and joining with others to improve society. Civics enables students not only to study how others participate but also to practice participating and taking informed action themselves.